Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome Back! This week's class:

Hi Everyone,

Remember that we are having individual critiques during tomorrow's class. You will need:

All fruit/vegetable paintings
In class still life
Drapery painting
Independent still life
Anything you've prepared for the indirect painting (grisaille.)
Any plein air painting you may have done over break.

While I am conducting reviews, the rest of you will be working on your plein air project, so be ready to paint with small format paper or boards, properly coated with gesso if you plan to use oils. Double check the post below concerning this project.
Bring everything you need to paint outdoors. I believe the weather should cooperate.

In any event, come to the classroom first to drop off your work. I will schedule brief meetings with each of you to discuss work to date, any attendance issues, etc.

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